Anti-environment LibDem parliamentary candidate opposes resident planting schemes.

Local residents have been left angry and confused following the news that the pro-incinerator LibDem parliamentary candidate has voted down all funding applications in wards where they have no seats.

In what some are calling ‘a petty act of political revenge’, a resident led scheme for tree planting to replace empty tree pits in Hackbridge, Sutton, was rejected on the basis of being ‘too expensive’ by the Chair of the Local Committee and serial LibDem Parliamentary candidate Bobby Dean.

Dean, a previous parliamentry candidate for Lewisham, along with his LibDem Councillor wife, voted against the scheme, designed to helped to combat pollution from the nearby incinerator, on the grounds that it was ‘too expensive.’ Nevertheless, they subsequently approved a different project in his wife’s ward for a noticeboard, which was almost £1,000.00 more expensive. Money for both projects was available yet it was Hackbridge residents, no longer represented by the Liberal Democrats, who have inexplicably seen their projects rejected.

Having been the focus for a large amount of Sutton’s development in the past, the residents of Hackbridge are sadly becoming used to being denied further investment into the local area. The promised bus interchange, farmlands restoration and farmer’s market have all failed to materialise, and now residents have once again been denied much needed investment.

The Lib Dems, led by Dean, also voted down a community-based mural for Hackbridge, which was set to involve local schools, residents and community groups. This would have employed a Sutton artist, ensuring local funding went back into the community. Yet again, a similar project was recently approved in a Liberal Democrat ward while the Hackbridge project has been rejected. The scheme was set to memorialise community action alongside local heroes, one of whom it was revealed at a recent council meeting, would have ended up homeless if it had been left up to Councillor Dean, who shamefully broke a promise to help. It is obvious where Dean’s priorities lie; running to be MP for Sutton seems to be his only focus.

Among the many statements made by local residents following the announcement, one took to social media to state “This makes me really sad. Voting against trees??? What is wrong with these people??? It certainly comes across as revenge”. Another exclaimed “typical” and a further resident simply stated “I hate them”.

The tree planting scheme, enthusiastically supported across the community, was intended to offset some of the pollution from the local incinerator. Pollution, which Dean and his colleagues, refuse to accept causes damage to the environment. In the face the of scientific consensus, residents are still being told that the incinerator only releases ‘steam’, despite the dozens of environmental breaches that the EA has now stated are likely to be impacting public health.

Labour Councillor for Hackbridge Dave Tchil said “It’s pretty poor of them to vote against improvements to Hackbridge. Just because our neighbourhood is organised and active, we shouldn’t be penalised by Councillors who are frustrated that their grip on power is challenged. Councillors serve the community, not themselves”.

Once again residents have been overlooked and disappointed, wondering when, if ever, Sutton Council will treat all its residents equally. Sutton residents are left hoping that, moving forward, Councillor Dean will prioritise the needs of his residents above his career aspirations.

Henry Michael